
Dr. Mualem Kalmovitch Limor

Head of the Department for Head and Neck Surgery


Dr. Limor Mualem Kalmovitch runs the Department for Head and Neck Surgery at the Shamir Medical Center (Asaf ha-Rofe).

A graduate of the Tel Aviv University’s Faculty of Medicine. Upon completing her specialization in otorhinolaryngology, Dr. Mualem was accepted into a fellowship in oncologic surgery of the head and neck at the McGill University in Montreal.

Dr. Mualem guides and instructs interns and medical students, gives lectures at scientific conferences in Israel and abroad.


Dr. Mualem has extensive experience in thyroid surgery, including a novel method for removal of thyroid and parathyroid glands without scars, as well as an innovative treatment of radiotherapy-assisted thyroid nodules ablation (RF Ablation).

Dr. Mualem has extensive experience in nasal and sinus FESS surgery, surgery of salivary glands, parathyroid surgery, neck surgery, pharyngeal and vocal cord tumors, laser-assisted vocal cord tumor surgery, tonsillectomy and adenoid surgery in children.

The guiding principle throughout the treatment of hundreds of patients is to aid and escort the patient through the whole process by assisting them in accelerating the medical examination, consulting with experts from other fields (radiologists, endocrinologists and oncologists), selecting the appropriate type of surgery and all the way to full recovery.