We at Medica keep you safe

Dear patients and escorts, we at Medica are taking every precaution to minimize the potential exposure of patients, escorting individuals and the medical staff to the coronavirus and keep you safe and healthy in the best way possible. Therefore, and in full compliance with the Ministry of Health guidelines we are working with the following protocols:

A patient or an escorting individual who has returned from abroad and/or has not taken a coronavirus test in the last 14 days will not be allowed to enter the Medical Center.

A patient or an escorting individual who are suffering from coughing, difficulty breathing or shortness of breath will not be allowed to enter the Medical Center.

Entering Medica is only allowed with a mask. Make sure you wear a mask when you arrive.

Temperature screenings are done at every entrance to the Medical Center – the parking and the main gate. Entrance will not be allowed with a temperature of 37.5C and higher.

Patient arriving for surgery will only be allowed to have one escorting individual up until the conclusion of the reception phase, then the escorting individual will be asked to wait outside Medica. We will notify the escort with an SMS regarding the conclusion of the surgery and the expected release time.

At this time we do not allow escorting individuals to enter the Medica clinic, except in the following cases: parent of a minor patient, escorting a patient who is over the age of 75 or escorting a patient with limited mobility.

Entering the elevators is allowed for not more than two individuals at a time. Please be patient.

Hand sanitizing stations are installed all over Medica.

Our doctors and the medical staff are well equipped and protected to take care of you with full confidence.

Ministry of Health official website link <link

Our service team is at your disposal for additional information or questions regarding the Medical Center’s activity in this period – *2147|medica-call@medica.co.il

Are there hand sanitizers at Medica? Hand sanitizing stations are installed all over every floor of Medica  

Is there temperature screening at Medica? Temperature screenings are taken at every entrance to Medica. Entrance will not be allowed with a temperature of 37.5C and higher

Is it allowed to arrive with an escort? At this time we do not allow escorting individuals to enter the clinics, except in cases of a minor patient’s parent, escorting a patient who is over the age of 75 or escorting a patient with limited mobility. Escorting for surgeries: after the patient goes through reception, we ask the escorting individuals to wait outside Medica.

How is the safe distance between patients being observed? We make sure to keep a distance between patients, in full compliance with the Ministry of Health guidelines, so in no situation an assembly of people is created that is greater than what is allowed. We take special care to make sure that there is no crowding in the lobbies and that the patients seat apart at a safe distance. We do not allow entering the elevators for more than two individuals at a time.

In case I have taken a coronavirus test and I am waiting for the results, will I be able to enter Medica? You must wait for the results and then follow the Ministry of Health guidelines.

In case I suffer from coughing/have a fever, will I be able to enter Medica? If symptoms such as coughing, shortness of breath or temperature of 37.5C and above appear – entering Medica is not allowed. In this case please call 101, the national ambulance service which is active 24/7


+ How does the corona virus work?

The virus is mainly discharged from a person’s respiratory tract while sneezing or coughing. The sprayed droplets can be inhaled by other people or land on surfaces. If the person comes in contact with the affected surfaces and then touches their mouth, nose or eyes, a risk of infection exists.

+ Why is it important to wear a surgical mask?

Wearing a mask is a vital measure that lowers the risk of infection and of infecting others.

Pay attention:

  • Every person at Medica is required to wear a mask and through this to protect themselves and others.
  • Masks can help prevent infection by spraying of droplets, but not an infection through coming in contact with affected surfaces. Therefore, wearing a mask is not a substitute to following the hand washing, hand sanitizing and general hygiene guidelines.

+ How do you put the mask on or off without contaminating it?

  • Before putting on the mask, wash your hands with soap and water (preferred) or with a hand sanitizer.
  • Cover your nose and your mouth using the mask while pressing the silver strip against your nose. It is important to make sure that there are no gaps between the mask and the face.
  • Avoid touching the mask while wearing it. If accidentally touched, wash your hands with soap and water or with hand sanitizer.
  • If you wish to remove the mask, grab it by the part that is located behind your head or behind your ears and pull it away from the face. Do not remove the mask by grabbing the front outer part.
  • Between usage, the mask should be kept in a clean and ventilated space, away from an accidental touch, preferably on a clean paper towel.
  • Wearing a surgical mask: the white side towards your face, while the colored side faces outwards.

+ How to tell that the mask is no longer good?

Replace the mask when it becomes moist, wet, wrinkled, dirty, torn or does not sit tight. In such cases, the mask no longer offers optimal protection.

+ Why is it important to follow hygiene rules?

Washing hands – an act we perform multiple times a day – can significantly reduce the risk of infection.

Remember, the coronavirus is also transmitted through the touch. If an infected person has coughed into their hand, it becomes full with microscopic virus bodies. As soon as that person comes in contact with you or their environment , you become exposed to those viruses.

  • Washing hands is advised on a frequent basis during the day, both with soap and water, and with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • It is important to wash hands after a cough or a sneeze.
  • It is important to wash hands after coming in direct contact with the environment in public spaces: door handles, bus railings, elevator buttons and so on.

Bottom line: just like wearing a mask, clean hands are also a vital part of your personal safety rules that help keep you healthy.

+ How to wash your hands properly?

It is advised to wash your hands multiple times a day with a lot of soap and water, preferably dry with a disposable towel and finish with rubbing hand sanitizer. Click here to watch a video on how to wash your hands correctly <link

+ What else is there to know about hygiene that is important?

Avoid touching your nose, mouth and eyes

Our hands are always active. Even without noticing we scratch the nose, rub the eyes, put hands on our mouths. Reducing these contacts can significantly lower the risk of passing  the viruses on to our respiratory system. Why is it so?

Because our environment is loaded with viruses that amass at the palm of our hand. Contact with the face area can transfer the viruses from the hand on to our respiratory system.

Have to sneeze? Bless you! However..

While trying to change our habits, during the coronavirus pandemic we cough and sneeze only into the elbow and not into the palm, as we were used to before. Why so?

Following the rules of hygiene helps prevent the spread of microscopic droplets which carry the virus in the environment and we have to keep our hands germ-free.


+ Using personal equipment

It is best to avoid transferring equipment between different people: pens, ID cards, keys and so on. The devil is in the details. And so is your health… Adapt your habits to the situation. For example: try to use one pen throughout the day and do not transfer it to another person. Do not eat from a central plate on the table. Do not pass mobile phones from person to person. Remember: contact may be contagious.

+ Keeping safe distance

What can we do, we’re Israelis! Very social people who love kinship and touch. The problem is, the coronavirus loves the same things, and here you enter the picture as adults. Just keep your distance.. Yes, a bit of a flip. When you love someone – stay away. Hugging – forbidden. Elbows – allowed. Until further notice…

How do we do it?

Keeping a distance of at least 2 meters away from the nearest person – especially those that cough and sneeze – can keep you from getting infected.

Why so?

Because when sneezing, microscopic droplets carrying the virus are sprayed – keeping the distance helps prevent exposure to those droplets.

Good mood Healthy nutrition, exercising and a good mood – strengthen the immune system, which in turn strengthens us. The day after, all this effort is going to play out in our favor and we’re going to be strengthened as we’ve stood the test in a moment of truth.

Not sure you’re 100 percent healthy – stay home It can start with a sneeze and then another one, and then another, and it tickles a little in the throat, a little cough, maybe a fever… What do you do? If you are unwell – it’s important that you stay home! This way you keep yourself and your environment safe. Why is it important? Because when you catch the illness early, treating it is more effective, and the chance of infecting others is smaller.

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