Information for patients

Уважаемые клиенты, для нас важно, чтобы вы знали, как подготовиться к операции, поэтому мы подобрали ряд тем, с которыми вы должны ознакомиться, чтобы быть готовыми к процедуре.

For more information about Medica’s precautions during the coronavirus pandemic > > link

National ID card for an Israeli citizen or a passport for a foreign resident that includes a photo and an information page : if the patient is a minor, an ID card of one of the parents with the child’s details inside must be presented.

Insurers’ liability form (Health Maintenance Organization and/or insurance company) if the procedure is done through either of them.

Deposit: In addition, a check or a credit card is required in order to leave a deposit, which will be refunded to you during the main payment settlement.

Payment method: It is possible to pay for the medical procedure (surgery/treatment) in cash or by credit card in up to 3 payments.

A medical summary from a family physician specifying the following: medications that the patient is taking regularly, information about allergies, sensitivities, etc.

Pre-surgical tests that the patient was asked to undergo by the surgeon. If this is a repeat procedure within a six-month period, previous examinations should be provided.

Patient should arrive at the medical center an hour before the planned start of the procedure.

For surgeries starting at 7:00am the patient should arrive at 6:30am.

Failure to arrive on time may delay or cancel the surgery.

Adult fasting guidelines

  • No solid foods for 8 hours prior to your arrival at the medical center
  • No meat or fat-saturated foods during the last meal before fasting
  • Drinking clear water is allowed in small quantities (not more than one cup of 200 ml) up to the last 3 hours prior to your arrival at the medical center
  • no liquids for the last 3 hours prior to your arrival at the medical center
  • No chewing gum or lollipops for 8 hours prior to your arrival at the medical center
  • Drinking a sip of water while taking prescribed medicine is allowed

Children’s fasting guidelines

  • Drinking clear water is allowed up to 3 hours prior to your arrival at the medical center
  • Breast feeding – allowed up to 4 hours prior to your arrival at the medical center

  • No breast milk substitutes for up to 6 hours prior to your arrival at the medical center
  • No solid foods for 6 hours prior to your arrival at the medical center

Health Management Organizations

All of the HMO members who have supplemental insurance (such as  Clalit Mushlam, Meuhedet Adif, Leumi, etc.) are eligible to cover the cost of surgery. The arrangements are subject to the various agreements between the surgical center and the HMOs, and refer to each type of surgery and surgeon. In most cases, participation of the patient is required. It is recommended to check with the HMO on every case separately.

Insurance companies

At the Medica Medical Center we have made sure to sign agreements with all the insurance companies for your convenience. The arrangements are subject to the various agreements between the surgical center and the insurance companies, and refer to each type of surgery and surgeon. In most cases, participation of the patient is required, therefore it is recommended to check with the insurance company on every case separately.

  • Referral and payment voucher must be provided for the corresponding surgery, even if the insurance company or the HMO has stated that the payment voucher was sent directly to Medica
  • Payment method: It is possible to pay for the medical procedure (surgery/treatment) in cash or by credit card in up to 3 payments
  • Deposit: In addition, a check or a credit card is required in order to leave a deposit, which will be refunded to you during the main payment settlement.

Payment for surgery must be settled at least one week in advance before the procedure.

  1. Credit card payment: up to 3 payments are accepted.
  2. Bank wire transfer – The following is the bank account details for bank wire transfer:

For Medica Medical Center Inc. 515138584 (ח”פ)

Mizrahi Bank Tefahot (20) | Beit Noah branch (515) | Account No. 179941

  1. Cash: Can only be settled on the day of surgery with approval in advance.
  2. Direct financing: A service provided by Medica to “Meimun Yashir” credit company. No interest/linkage up to NIS 17,000 in 6 payments.

Contact details for payment settlement:

Open hours: 8:00 to 16:00

Phone number: 050-2229959

Email for questions or inquiries:

Center’s location: Habarzel St. 28, Ramat Ha-Hayal, Tel Aviv

Directions: Click here

  1. Patient must be accompanied by an escorting person over the age of 18 – a taxi driver is not considered an escort
  2. If the surgery performed is that of a minor whose parents are divorced, written informed consent for surgery and anesthesia signed by both parties must be provided.
  3. It is advised not to bring along any valuables as the Center is not responsible for the safety of personal belongings
  4. Equipment storage – upon arrival, you will be provided with a storage bag where you can keep your clothing and personal belongings
  5. Patients arriving from Eilat – approval will be given by the medical secretary or by calling *2147
  6. Wheelchair will be provided upon request

All the details and information necessary before going for surgery.

Click here

Everything there is to know before going for surgery for patients under the age of 17. Click here

All the information and safety guidelines on fall prevention. Click here

Signing the consent forms is the final step in obtaining informed consent for medical treatment. Please write comprehensibly and make sure to fill in all the details. To find the appropriate form, click here  

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