
+ What is Rezum?

Benign prostatic hyperplasia \ BPH.

Defined as a symptom of the lower urinary tract (LUTS) and its incidence increases with age.

It is the most common benign tumor in men. About 50% of men in their 50s and 80% of men in their 80s suffer from the condition. The role of the prostate in the body is the production of semen.


+ What is a Rezum treatment?

REZUM treatment (FDA approved) is a minimally invasive thermal vaporization method.

The device is manual, connected to a generator through which water vapor is injected into the prostate tissue, which blocks the flow of urine from the bladder. At this stage immediate damage is done to the cells which leads to their death. After a while, a scar (tissue shrinkage) is formed at the treatment site, which allows the blocked urethra to open.

As a minimally invasive procedure the treatment involves fewer side effects compared to other surgical procedures.

The procedure can be performed without the need for a general anesthesia and patients can return to their normal life routine within a few days.

An improvement in symptoms can be observed within a few weeks.


+ Typical symptoms

The condition causes:

-Reduction of urethra and pressure on it

-Weak / interrupted urine flow

-Uncomfortable dripping

– Sensation of not emptying the bladder

– Urgent need to go to the bathroom at all hours of the day and night


+ What are the accepted treatments today?

– Medication

– TURP surgery

– Green laser



+ Advantages of the treatment

– Maintaining sexual function and the integrity of the urinary tract

– Allowing the patient to return home the same day unassisted

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